Event information

20 May 2020, 11:00-12:15

Women's Perspectives on a Career in International Law


Logo of the Atlas Network Logo of the Atlas Network

Inspired by the ATLAS series of online profiles, this online event, co-organized with the ATLAS Network will feature prominent women in international law. Coming from different professional backgrounds, they will candidly share their experience and advice with the audience through an interactive discussion.


  • Emilie Max, Researcher, Geneva Academy
  • Verity Robson, Geneva ATLAS Network and Legal Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations in Geneva


Panelists will reflect on what propelled them to an international career, the challenges they have faced and tackled, and advice for other young professionals on a similar path.

  • Lorraine Anderson, Legal Adviser and First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations in Geneva
  • H.H. Joanna Korner, former Senior Prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the UK’s candidate for the 2020 judicial elections of the International Criminal Court

How to Join the Discussion

Make sure you have created a Zoom account, if you haven’t yet, please create an account here.

Once you have created the account, please register here.

You will then automatically receive an email with the link to join the Webinar. On the day of the event, you will receive a reminder email, please select the link and you will be connected to the webinar.

If you are not sent to the meeting room but requested to download the app, just download it again (and if it doesn’t open the meeting, just re-click on the link).

Asking Questions to Panelists

Please use the chatbox to ask your questions, the moderator will make a selection of questions at the end of the presentations. There will be no possibility to interact by webcam and microphone in order to avoid connexion issues.


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