Event information

13 March 2024, 18:30-21:30

The Recovery Channel


Mental health is a growing priority in global health policy and human rights discussions. This one-night-only film screening of The Recovery Channel – parallel to the 55th Human Rights Council and co-organized by our Geneva Human Rights Platform with the International Geneva Global Health Platform, Think-Film Impact Production and the Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN in Geneva – will dissect this intersection and address the human rights violations witnessed in today's mental health care system and practices.

The screening will include an opening address from Ambassador Tormod C. Endresen, Norway's Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, followed by a post-screening Q&A discussion with the film’s Director, Ellen Ugelstad. The event will conclude with a networking reception with drinks and canapes.

About The Recovery Channel

Randi Isaksen, news anchor at Recovery Channel, struggles to help her sister in a broken mental health system. Told through duelling prisms of documentary and narrative storytelling, filmmaker Ellen Ugelstad unravels the complex issues of mental health, human rights and the use of coercion.


A GHRP training course News

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