UN Women
EventThis event will discuss the challenges in economically empowering women and ways of overcoming them.
Steve Jurvetson
EventIn the context of the 2019 Geneva Peace Week and in partnership with IBAHRI, this event will address the too often obstructed right to legal assistance persons subjected to violence, arrest or detention are entitled to.
UN Photo
EventOn the occasion of the launch of Modes of Liability in International Criminal Law, based on research undertaken at the Geneva Academy, panelists will discuss questions related to criminal responsibility for international crimes.
Georgia Southern
EventWe look forward to welcoming graduating students, their friends, families and our professors at the 2019 Graduation Ceremony.
Tony Webster
EventThis event marks the launch of the UN Human Rights Guidance on Less Lethal Weapons, the outcome of research and consultations carried out under the Geneva Academy and Pretoria University auspices.
U.S. Air Force / Sgt. Shawn Weismiller
Military BriefingsIn this first Military Briefing of the academic year, we will examine how such determinations take place in practice and what are the legal and ethical difficulties involved.
EventThis conference will focus on the role of UN human rights mechanisms in monitoring the implementation of the UN Declaration on the rights of peasants.
Geneva Academy/ICRC
EventThis event, co-organized with the Swiss Permanent Mission to the United Nations (UN) in New York will present the 16 guidelines to the New York diplomatic community.
ILO/Asrian Mirza
EventA l’occasion de la sortie de deux ouvrages récents sur les droits économiques, sociaux et culturels, leurs auteurs aborderont les défis liés au respect et à la promotion de ces droits.
CCPR Centre
EventThis briefing, co-organized with the Permanent Missions of Costa Rica and Switzerland to the United Nations (UN) in New York will discuss options and positions towards the 2020 treaty body review.