Discover the main activities and highlights of the Geneva Human Rights Platform.
Geneva Academy
In order to bring the substantive debates on the future of UN treaty bodies from Geneva to the political discussions in New York, the Geneva Human Rights Platform held with the Permanent Missions of Costa Rica and Switzerland a side event at the UN General Assembly in New York.
CCPR Centre
At an expert conference co-organized with the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, 30 UN treaty body (TB) experts, academics, national and international NGOs and governmental representatives discussed the implementation of a new mechanism aimed at improving the work of UN TBs, the TRIP: Technical Review of Implementation Progress.
Geneva Academy
As Executive Director of the new Geneva Human Rights Platform, he will notably lead the development of this new platform to anchor it in international Geneva.
Geneva Academy
Ibrahim Salama is the Chief of the Human Rights Treaties Branch of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. He just joined the Geneva Academy as Visiting Fellow and will stay with us until end of 2019.
This expert panel discussed nascent challenges in the sphere of evolving digital technologies and their impact on human rights.
Centre for Human Rights of the University of Pretoria
Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and Albie Sachs, Former Judge of the South African Constitutional Court, shared their incredible personal experiences of fighting for human rights.
At a seminar, UN experts, civil society representatives and staff of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights discussed the role of UN human rights mechanisms in the implementation of the UN Declaration on the rights of peasants.
Geneva Academy
Reports submitted by states in the context of the review of UN Treaty Bodies highlight wide support to the recommendations presented in our publication Optimizing the UN Treaty Bodies System.
Geneva Academy
At a meeting co-organized with the permanent missions of Costa Rica and Japan to the United Nations in Geneva, Geneva-based diplomats discussed the current status of the 2020 review of UN treaty bodies.
Olivier Chamard/Geneva Academy
During one day, more than 100 experts, practitioners, academics, diplomats and representatives of NGOs, international organizations and National Human Rights Institutions discussed and debated the connectivity of human rights mechanisms.