
22 November - 1 December 2023
Application start 21 August 2023
Application end 8 November 2023
Fee: 1250 Swiss Francs

International Criminal Law: General Principles and International Crimes

Al Mahdi case: ICC Trial Chamber VIII issues reparations order, 17 August 2017 Al Mahdi case: ICC Trial Chamber VIII issues reparations order, 17 August 2017


International criminal law has developed dramatically since the early 1990s, and now consists of a complex system involving national courts with international participation, alternative transitional justice mechanisms like truth commissions, and temporary or ad hoc international courts. The International Criminal Court sits at the centre of this.

This online short course reviews the origins of international criminal law, its relationship with the international legal order including the UN Security Council and its coexistence with national justice institutions. The scope of international crimes – genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression – is considered alongside initiatives to expand or add to these categories.


This is an online short course.


Classes will take place online during lunchtime on:

  • Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 12:00–14:00 (CET)
  • Thursday, 23 November 2023, 12:00–14:00 (CET)
  • Friday, 24 November 2023, 12:00–14:00 (CET)
  • Wednesday, 29 November 2023, 12:00–14:00 (CET)
  • Thursday, 30 November 2023, 12:00–14:00 (CET)
  • Friday, 1 December 2023, 12:00–14:00 (CET)


This short course forms part of the Geneva Academy Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict. It is open to professionals – diplomats, lawyers, legal advisers, judges, NGO staff, human rights advocates, media specialists, professionals working in emergency situations, UN staff and staff from other international organizations – who are not enrolled in the Executive Master and who want to deepen their expertise in this specific issue.


The fee for this short course is 1,250 Swiss Francs. In case of cancellation by the participants, CHF 200 won't be returned.


Participants obtain a certificate at the end of the course (no ECTS credits are gained).

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted via this online form.

Your application will have to include:

  • A short motivation letter (no more than one page)
  • Your curriculum vitae
  • Proof of your competence in English (a certificate or statement highlighting your solid background in English)
  • Once admitted to the course, participants receive instructions on how to pay. Proof of payment is required before you begin the course.

Professor and Lecturer

Picture of William Schabas

William A. Schabas

Professor of International Law at Middlesex University, London

Recognized as a leading expert on international human rights law, international criminal law, genocide and capital punishment, William A. Schabas is the author of more than 20 books and 350 journal articles on these issues.


Online course


The course will be conducted online using the ZOOM platform.