February: Two Lectures by Michael Sfard, a Leading Israeli Lawyer Defending Palestinian Victims of Israeli Occupation

Cover page of the book The Wall and the Gate: Israel, Palestine and the Legal Battle for Human Rights Cover page of the book The Wall and the Gate: Israel, Palestine and the Legal Battle for Human Rights

29 January 2018

Michael Sfard, a prominent Israeli human rights lawyer, will give two lectures in the week of 26 February. Michael Sfard is one of the co-founders of the NGO Yesh Din, specialized in the defence of Palestinian victims of Israeli occupation, and its current legal advisor.

The Wall and the Gate: Israel, Palestine and the Legal Battle for Human Rights

The first conference will be hosted by the Law Faculty of the University of Geneva on 26 February, at Uni-Mail (40, Boulevard du Pont d’Arve) at 18:15 in the auditorium MS150. Michael Sfard will present his newly released new book, The Wall and the Gate: Israel, Palestine and the Legal Battle for Human Rights, Metropolitan Books, 2018.

Protecting Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: New Trends and Challenges

On 28 February, at 12:30, a talk will take place at the Maison de la Paix, auditorium B; he will address the following issue: Protecting Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: new trends and challenges.

More information will circulate in February about these two important lectures.



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