Ziad Ayoubi is the Head of Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). He is currently enrolled in our Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict.
Arthur Nguyen dao
Our 2018 Annual Report is out! It provides an overview of our manifold research and education activities.
Our new publication brings attention to the devastating impact conflict has on persons with disabilities and highlights that many of the key international humanitarian law provisions that serve to minimize the impact of armed conflict are not being applied in a disability inclusive manner, resulting in persons with disabilities being killed, seriously injured or left behind as families flee armed attacks.
Maya Hertig Randall was nominated by the Law Faculty Teaching Body in replacement of Nicolas Michel who stepped down after ten years of presidency.
Geneva Academy
As in previous years, the 2018 Edition highlights that the majority of today’s armed conflicts – 51 out of 69 – are non-international, involving states and organized armed groups, a trend that has been highlighted since the first edition of the War Report back in 2012.
Luisa Gómez Betancur
Students of our MAS in Transitional Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law spent three days in Poland to look into transitional justice issues.
UN Photo/ Jean Marc Ferré
In the perspective of a conference co-organized with the Global Studies Institute (University of Geneva), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Canton of Geneva, we invite proposals that focus on the role of human rights mechanisms in implementing international humanitarian law.
In his new book published by Elgar International Humanitarian Law: Rules, Controversies, and Solutions to Problems Arising in Warfare Professor Marco Sassòli focuses on controversial issues and on the challenges facing the implementation of international humanitarian law in practice.
Olivier Chamard / Geneva Academy
Professor Vincent Chetail becomes the New President of the Geneva Academy’s Board. He succeeds to Nicolas Michel, Professor Emeritus at the University of Geneva and at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.
Geneva Academy
Our submission for the upcoming report of the United Nations Secretary-General – the final official input into the intergovernmental debate on the 2020 treaty body review – summarizes the recommendations entailed in our publication Optimizing the UN Treaty Body System.